A ground-breaking history of Opus Dei: interview with the authors

Opus Dei: A History (1928-2016), Volume One José Luis González Gullón and…

About the Author: Rev. Gavan Jennings

Rev. Gavan Jennings is a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature. He studied philosophy at University College Dublin, Ireland and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome and is currently the editor of Position Papers. 

A most eloquent defender of the West strikes again

The War on the West Douglas Murray HarperCollins 2022 320 pages ISBN:…

About the Author: James Bradshaw

James Bradshaw works for an international consulting firm based in Dublin, and has a background in journalism and public policy. Outside of work, he writes for a number of publications, on topics including politics, history, culture, film and literature. You can visit his blog at: www.jamesbradshawblog.com

A history of horrors and heroism

The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century: A Comprehensive World History Robert…

About the Author: Rev. Conor Donnelly

Rev. Conor Donnelly qualified as a medical doctor in University College Dublin in 1977 and worked for a year at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. After ordination he has spent twenty-two years doing pastoral work in Asia, in the Philippines and Singapore. He is currently an assistant chaplain at Kianda School in Nairobi.

The Truth in the News?

The Power and the Story: the Global Battle for News and Information…

About the Author: Pat Hanratty

Pat Hanratty taught Science/Chemistry in Tallaght Community School from its inception in 1972 until he retired in 2010. He was the school’s first Transition Year Co-ordinator and for four years he had the role of home School Community Liaison Officer.

“Without Logos, the West is lost”

Reason, Faith, and the Struggle for Western Civilization Samuel Gregg Regnery Gateway …

About the Author: Rev. Gavan Jennings

Rev. Gavan Jennings is a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature. He studied philosophy at University College Dublin, Ireland and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome and is currently the editor of Position Papers.