May 1968

The Swinging Sixties were characterized by a sexual liberation the likes of…

About the Author: Fr D. Vincent Twomey

Fr D. Vincent Twomey is a member of the Divine Word Missionaries and professor emeritus of moral theology, Pontifical University, Maynooth. Among his published works are: The End of Irish Catholicism? (Dublin, 2003), and Benedict XVI. The Conscience of Our Age: A theological Portrait (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2007). This article is adapted by the author from a longer version which appears in the missiological quarterly 

The day after Ireland fell

I was surprised when I woke to overcast skies on Saturday May…

About the Author: Rev. Patrick G Burke

The Rev. Patrick G Burke is the Church of Ireland rector of the Castlecomer Union of Parishes, Co Kilkenny. A regular contributor to Position Papers, he was formerly a broadcast journalist with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Network. He blogs at