About the Author: Barbara Kay
Barbara Kay is a columnist for Canada’s National Post, where this article was first published. It is republished here with permission.
Barbara Kay is a columnist for Canada’s National Post, where this article was first published. It is republished here with permission.
Margaret Hickey has written articles on social, cultural and faith issues for The Irish Examiner, Human Life Review (US), The Irish Times, The Furrow and The Irish Catholic. She is a mother of three and lives with her husband in Blarney.
James Bradshaw works in an international consulting firm, based in Dublin, and is a regular contributor to Position Papers.
Fr Conor Donnelly qualified as a medical doctor in University College Dublin in 1977 and worked for a year at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. After ordination he has spent twenty-two years doing pastoral work in Asia, in the Philippines and Singapore. He is currently an assistant chaplain at Kianda School in Nairobi.
Luma Simms is a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Her essays, articles, and book reviews have appeared in a variety of publications including National Affairs, Law and Liberty, The Wall Street Journal, National Review, the Institute for Family Studies, and others. This essay originally appeared at Public Discourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute and is reprinted with the kind permission of the editor. See www.thepublicdiscourse.com
Margaret Somerville is professor of bioethics in the school of medicine at the University of Notre Dame, Australia. This article is reprinted from www.mercatornet.com with the kind permission of the author.
James Bradshaw works in an international consulting firm, based in Dublin, and is a regular contributor to Position Papers.
Rev. Peter Damian-Grint: Honorary Research Fellow, School of History, University of St Andrews.
Tim O’Sullivan has degrees in arts and social policy and completed a doctorate on the subsidiarity principle. He is a regular contributor to Position Papers.