About the Author: Tim O’Sullivan
Tim O’Sullivan taught healthcare policy at third level and is a regular contributor to Position Papers.
Tim O’Sullivan taught healthcare policy at third level and is a regular contributor to Position Papers.
Dr Angelo Bottone teaches philosophy at Dublin Business School and University College Dublin. He is the research officer of the Iona Institute and the author of The Philosophical Habit of Mind: Person and Rhetoric in John Henry Newman’s Dublin Writings (2010).
Rev. Donncha Ó hAodha is the Regional Vicar of the Opus Dei Prelature in Ireland, author of several CTS booklets and a regular contributor to Position Papers.
Elizabeth Scalia is a Benedictine Oblate and author of several books including the award-winning Strange Gods: Unmasking the Idols in Everyday Life (Ave Maria Press) and Little Sins Mean a Lot (OSV). She blogs as “The Anchoress” at www.theanchoress.com. She is married, and living on Long Island. This article is first appeared on www.wordonfire.com and is reprinted with kind permission.
Rev. Donncha Ó hAodha is the Regional Vicar of the Opus Dei Prelature in Ireland, author of several CTS booklets and a regular contributor to Position Papers.
Guillaume de Thieulloy has a PhD in political science. Author of several books about the relationship between spiritual and temporal powers, he works as a staffer in the French Senate and runs a group of medias. Public Discourse © 2020 / All Rights Reserved
Joseph Flanagan is former Deputy Principal of Rockbrook Park School in Dublin and now Director of Dunraven, a new centre of Opus Dei in Belfast.
Rev. Donncha Ó hAodha is the Regional Vicar of the Opus Dei Prelature in Ireland, author of several CTS booklets and a regular contributor to Position Papers.
Daniel Bernardus writes from the Netherlands. He teaches Biology at Amsterdam University College and is the director of Leidenhoven College, a collegiate hall of residence. He blogs at danielbernardus.com. For a free mini-course on how these ideas can help us re-think our success, visit www.danielbernardus.com.