The Blessed State of Widowhood

“If I knew losing my husband would bring such pain, I would…

About the Author: Rose Yin-chee Goodstadt

Rose Yin-chee Goodstadt was a pioneer in developing Hong Kong’s social services, especially those serving the elderly and disabled. Currently, she focuses on Ireland’s “new” Catholics from China and their spiritual wellbeing.

The Impossibility of Neutrality – or the ideology of non-ideology

A religiously-identified school accommodates the secular. The same cannot be said of…

About the Author: Mark Hickey

After graduating from UCC in physics and applied mathematics, Mark Hickey undertook postgraduate studies in physics at Cambridge and went on to work in Leeds, MIT and the University of Massachusetts. With a young family to support, he exchanged the atoms and electrons for the bits and bytes of the software industry. He is married to Karen and is father of three.

St Thomas More and the Protestant Reformation

When Martin Luther was promoting the destruction of the Catholic faith in…

About the Author: Rev. Thomas J. McGovern

Rev. Thomas J. McGovern, who is a priest of the Opus Dei prelature, works in Dublin. He holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain. He is the author of Priestly Celibacy Today;  Priestly Identity: A study in the Theology of Priesthood,  and Generations of Priests.

Catholic Health Care: Apologia Pro Vita Sua (A defense of one’s own life)

At a pro-life conference in Manila in the ’80s, a Liverpool female…

About the Author: Fr Conor Donnelly

Fr Conor Donnelly qualified as a medical doctor in University College Dublin in 1977 and worked for a year at St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. He was ordained a priest in 1981 for the Prelature of Opus Dei. After obtaining a doctorate in Theology from the University of Navarre, Spain, in 1982, he spent twenty-two years in Asia, in the Philippines and Singapore. He is currently the chaplain of Strathmore Business School in Nairobi.

The real Citizens’ Assembly

Voices in the pro-life community are calling the Rally for Life march…

About the Author: Rev Patrick G Burke

The Rev Patrick G Burke is the Church of Ireland rector of the Castlecomer Union of Parishes, Co Kilkenny. A regular contributor to Position Papers, he was formerly a broadcast journalist with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Network. He blogs at