What are you waiting for?

Advent is the liturgical season of vigilance or, to put it more…

About the Author: Bishop Robert Barron

This article is taken from the archives of: www.wordonfire.org. Bishop Robert Barron is an author, speaker, theologian, and founder of Word on Fire, a global media ministry. This article has been reprinted with the kind permission of the editors.

The First Sunday of Advent

The explanation for your sense of expectation is that you have an…

About the Author: Father Rutler

Father Rutler is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York. He has made documentary films in the United States and England, contributes to numerous scholarly and popular journals and has published twenty-one books on theology, history, cultural issues, and the lives of the saints. This article first appeared on fathergeorgerutler.podbean.com and is published here with the kind

permission of the author.

Reflections for Christmas 2018

A few days ago I saw a woman walking down from Communion…

About the Author: Pat Hanratty

Pat Hanratty taught Science/Chemistry in Tallaght Community School from its inception in 1972 until he retired in 2010. He was the school’s first Transition Year Co-ordinator and for four years he had the role of home School Community Liaison Officer.