Catholic Health Care: Apologia Pro Vita Sua (A defense of one’s own life)

At a pro-life conference in Manila in the ’80s, a Liverpool female…

About the Author: Fr Conor Donnelly

Fr Conor Donnelly qualified as a medical doctor in University College Dublin in 1977 and worked for a year at St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. He was ordained a priest in 1981 for the Prelature of Opus Dei. After obtaining a doctorate in Theology from the University of Navarre, Spain, in 1982, he spent twenty-two years in Asia, in the Philippines and Singapore. He is currently the chaplain of Strathmore Business School in Nairobi.

The real Citizens’ Assembly

Voices in the pro-life community are calling the Rally for Life march…

About the Author: Rev Patrick G Burke

The Rev Patrick G Burke is the Church of Ireland rector of the Castlecomer Union of Parishes, Co Kilkenny. A regular contributor to Position Papers, he was formerly a broadcast journalist with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Network. He blogs at